The AGEA Policy Day

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The African German Entrepreneurship Academy (AGEA) project was initiated in 2017 to promote entrepreneurship and innovation among higher educational institutions and to create a network of support for entrepreneurship development among start-ups and Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs). It was jointly implemented by Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana, INES Ruhengeri in Rwanda and Leipzig University, Germany. Each university served as a hub for Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) networks and private sector in both countries for the 4year duration of the project.

As part of the closing activities for the project, Policy Day was organized to commemorate the progress, success and future plans of AGEA. It was dubbed ‘Multiplying Entrepreneurship Promotion in Ghana and Rwanda’. The 3 hour conference brought together Policy makers, leaders of higher educational institutions and industry players to discuss how practice oriented entrepreneurship education can be implemented and rolled out in other universities across the country.

Mr. Kwaku Enin, the keynote Speaker and CEO at Zeal Environmental Technologies Limited mentioned that, ‘We need to come up with policies to strengthen these institutions to come out with the best students who can compete everywhere in the world. With this background it has become imperative that we reconsider the structure of our educational system by transforming it from the theory-based approach to practice oriented education’. Among the speakers present were Prof. Ellis Owusu-Dabo, the Pro Vice Chancellor of KNUST and the chairperson, Mr. Samuel Yaw Akomea (Esq.), AGEA Country Director (Head of CBD, KNUST), The representatives of other Higher Educational Institutions, Ministers from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Business Development, Ministry for Tourism, Arts and Culture, Ministry for Employment and Labour Relations, Minister for Communication and Alumni.

Through both AGEA hubs, over 80 experts as trainers, mentors and coaches from 30 HEIs have been trained and supported in the development of concepts for practice oriented entrepreneurship promotion in Africa. About 200 students have been directly supported and trained through summer schools, coaching and mentoring sessions, and internships in Ghana, Rwanda and Germany.


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